August Wrap Up

The end of August is upon us and I cannot even believe it. September means going back to school, for me. September means the fall. I cannot believe that we’re already to September. There are only four more months of the YEAR???? Of 2021???? What is this MADNESS? Follow Your Arrow: 9781338640465: Verdi, Jessica: Books If It Makes You Happy: 9781250192677: Kann, Claire: Books
The Hidden Knife: Marr, Melissa: 9780525518525: Books
  • Follow Your Arrow by Jessica Verdi. I picked this book up from the library on a whim. I’d seen some reviews about it, but it wasn’t super hyped, so I decided to try it anyways. And I LOVED it??? Seriously, this book should have more hype. It’s an awesome realistic fiction about the online world and being bi and it was AMAZING. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • If It Makes You Happy by Clara Kann. I enjoyed this a lot, especially some of the elements that you do NOT see in most books. This book had a queerplatonic relationship!!! Also, the sibling relationship in this book was GREAT. ⭐⭐⭐
  • The Hidden Knife by Melissa Marr. This book is…confusing, to say the least. It’s a middle grade book but the actual plot didn’t seem to begin until 50% through and a lot of times, the characters did things that weren’t explained, they just went out and did it. There were no thoughts before they did something, we didn’t get to see what they are planning at all until it happened. ⭐⭐ The Passing Playbook: 9781984815408: Fitzsimons, Isaac: Books The Woman in the Window: A Novel: 9780062678423: Finn, A. J:  Books Let's Talk About Love: 9781250136121: Kann, Claire: Books
  • The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons. I LOVED this book. It was so sweet and the sports in this book were AMAZING. literally the only complaint I have is that the main event in the summary doesn’t happen until after 50% through the book, but obviously that shouldn’t stop you from reading this. But seriously, the team dynamic here??? Beautiful. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • The Woman in the Window by AJ Finn. My mind is reeling. I am absolutely shocked by this book, I just don’t know where to begin. Every time the MC thought she’d figured it out, there was some new information. I don’t read thrillers often, but this one, oh my gosh!!!⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Let’s talk About Love by Claire Kann. I think this book is a good one for people trying to figure out if they’re ace! It’s also good to see someone who is both asexual and alloromantic because a lot of times, people seem to think that ace people are aromantic as well. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hana Khan Carries On: A Novel: 9781443461467: Jalaluddin, Uzma:  Books A Universe of Wishes: A We Need Diverse Books Anthology:  9781984896209: Clayton, Dhonielle: Books
The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn): Ahdieh, Renée:  9780147513854: Books
  • Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin. This was a super enjoyable book! I loved that Hana was a podcaster because it’s not often we see books with protagonists who like radio and podcasting, and the story itself was important but at the same time sweet. Plus, extra points because they went to a Blue Jays game (I have never been more jealous of a book character) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • A Universe of Wishes (edited by Dhonielle Clayton). I don’t read many anthologies because short stories aren’t my favorite, but overall I enjoyed this one! ⭐⭐⭐
  • The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh. I feel like this one is hyped a lot and overall it was interesting and I did enjoy it, but I wouldn’t say that I loved it. Also, a lot of this book centers around love and I know that there’s plenty of kinds of love but I couldn’t help but feel like it was always talking about romantic love due to context and the general plot of the story, which made me sort of uncomfortable (things that were saying that love is the most important thing and people who don’t love are in hell). ⭐⭐
The Best at It: Pancholy, Maulik: 9780062866417: Books
Get a Grip, Vivy Cohen!: Kapit, Sarah: 9780525554189: Books Wilder Girls: 9780525645580: Power, Rory: Books
  • The Best at It by Maulik Pancholy. I honestly don’t remember if I read this in July or August because I kinda forgot about this book altogether but I do remember enjoying it. It’s just a nice quick middle grade read! ⭐⭐⭐
  • Get a Grip, Vivy Cohen! by Sarah Kapit. I could go on and on and on about this book. I could not tear my eyes away from it, it was just so fun and so enjoyable and I just love it so, so much. It centers about a young girl playing baseball, and she’s also a fan of Major League Baseball, which you so rarely see in books and it just made me so happy! (also I rescind my comment above about never having been more jealous in a book–this takes the cake)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Wilder Girls by Rory Power. This one’s been on my TBR for a long time and I really wanted to read it, but I was also kind of scared. I finally got around to it, thanks to a recommendation (thank you!!!) and it was very good! I really didn’t like the ending though. Nor did I like Reese, honestly. ⭐⭐⭐
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: A Novel - Kindle edition by Reid, Taylor  Jenkins. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
Firebreak: Kornher-Stace, Nicole: 9781982142742: Books
Mo'ne Davis: Remember My Name: My Story from First Pitch to Game Changer:  Davis, Mo'ne: 9780062397546: Books
  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Reid Jenkins. I feel like EVERYONE has read this book so I finally picked it up. I didn’t really understand the hype at the beginning, but at the end yeah I could see it. Wasn’t as good as everyone made it out to be, but still very enjoyable. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace. Another recommendation (I am really reading books I was recommended this month!). This one was okay, the plot was honestly not that interesting to me until the end, but I actually did enjoy the video game theme. It definitely had a 1984-kind of vibe–but much better. ⭐⭐⭐
  • Mo’ne Davis: Remember my Name, by Mo’ne Davis. I’ve actually owned this book for a very long time, probably got it around when it came out in 2015, but I didn’t have much interest for biographies, so I didn’t read it. I LOVED it, though! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ SLAY: 9781534445420: Morris, Brittney: Books She's Too Pretty to Burn: 9781250246752: Heard, Wendy: Books
  • Slay by Brittney Morris. Another book I picked up on a whim from the library (I love actually going to the library it means finding books that I wouldn’t have otherwise!) and it was absolutely amazing, I enjoyed all of it! This is the second gamer book that I picked up recently and while I am not a gamer in any way, I thought that this one was especially fascinating! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • She’s Too Pretty To Burn by Wendy Heard. I honestly have no idea what to think about this book. The first part, I hated. I did not like Veronica, I did not like their relationship, the book was boring. And then it picked up and…wow. That was scary? I think that this book is about messy teens (as well as a psychopath–that person wasn’t a messy teen and I’m not saying they were) and I do think that we need more of those books because the teen years are full of a lot of mistakes, but these books are also hard to write because the characters are often so unlikable. ⭐⭐⭐

The Monthly Bingo is created by A Colorful Bibliophile and it is totally amazing, so please head over there and check it out! It’s such a fun thing to do and I hope you’ll join in on it!
Here’s what I’ve done for this month:

The things that I completed on the bingo this month were fate, enemies to lovers, mystery, [free space], stars/nightscape on cover, middle grade, black on cover, read at night, anthology, and found family. All in all, I was not able to complete a row/column/diagonal.

I also want to bring to attention a blog series that Bertie @Luminosity Reads is doing. I know that this post was published way back in March, but I only just became aware of it this month (thanks to Maria!) and I think it’s very important to spread! This is a discussion series about ableism in the bookish community. It’s something that is, unfortunately barely discussed around books and I learned so many things from Bertie! Please, please, please check out this discussion post as well as the rest of the series that has been written so far!

I managed to publish 4 posts this month which I’m super happy about given that I’ve not been excellent at publishing very many posts! I also really enjoyed writing these, and I’m very happy that I’ve been posting content that I enjoy writing and that I think are fun posts, recently, because that was not always the case!

Sports in Books: A Discussion (post 1/2).
Sports in Books: A List (post 2/2)
The Sal and Gabi Series by Carlos Hernandez, book review
Celebrating my One-Year Blogiversary!

August goals:

  • Finish summer work
  • Exercise some more
  • Play more softball
  • Catch up on goodreads reviews
  • Schedule your day

Yikes yikes yikes. I’m almost done with my summer work, I have exactly two more math problems to do, and I have to read one more book but it’s still on hold from the library and I don’t think I’m going to get it in time so I guess that means finding it some other way. Exercising? Haha wow I’m bad at doing stuff I don’t want to in this case. I have motivation, but I just don’t do it (which raises the question of if I have motivation). I met up with my friends to play softball one day, but other than that I didn’t play any, unfortunately, and I did write several goodreads reviews but I’m pretty sure I’m not entirely caught up. Scheduling my day is hard for me to do, apparently, even though it really worked when I did it in July! Ah, well. School will give me a bit more of a schedule.

September goals:

  • School first!
  • Choose sleep over anything you want to do. (remember, you have to wake up really early again!!!)
  • Stop thinking about what you want to do in the far, far future. It’s affecting what you want to do now.
  • Try to improve your softball skills!
  • Get back into violin some more.

Yeah, that’s a bit of an odd list of goals but hopefully I am able to complete them.

Honestly, August went so fast that I’m not entirely sure what to say here. I don’t remember any of it. I was looking back at the books I read this month and literally thought, ‘I read that in August???’ But here’s a few of the things that I think I did in August

  • Went on vacation! I can confirm I did this one, as I just got back on Saturday. It was really fun, we went hiking and just kind of had a chill stay in a rental house for 4 days.
  • Baseball. Not something I did, but like…Major League Baseball *happened*. I know I’ve said this in every single wrap up since the season started but it’s a big enough part of my life that I feel I should. There’s only one more month in the regular season, so things are heating up!!! The National League West is really the place to be watching right now, and the Wild Card races are super close!
  • I went to an outdoor concert with my family. It was really cool to go to because the venue was super nice and basically they just had this giant stage and a bunch of seats under a roof (but still open) and then beyond that was just a lawn where people could sit wherever. People brought picnics and lawn chairs and some (including us) even brought little fold up tables and we just sat and ate and listened to music!
  • School has not started yet for me, thankfully enough, though it starts this week, on the ninth. So this was my last month of summer!
  • Honestly unsure what else happened–I just keep thinking of things that are about to happen! Next month’s wrap up will definitely be far more packed in terms of life updates than this one.

That’s it for this month’s wrap up! How was your reading month? Did you like the same posts that I enjoyed? And what happened in your August?

April Wrap Up (part one)

Hey, everyone! Sorry you haven’t heard from me lately, I’ve been a little bit busy but you should be hearing from me a bit more in the coming days! (key word ‘should)
I swear, wrap ups are like the only thing I do anymore. In reality, they’re 2/5 of the things I post, but that’s still a lot. Nearly half. But I am but a small child* with only so much time to blog and I also really like my wrap ups. Clearly. Anyways, let’s get into part one of my wrap up, which, just like last month, will be about posts and updates! (part two coming Sunday)
*Relative, but for this case we’ll say I am

~Posts I Enjoyed~

~April Blog posts~

I posted a few times this month, I feel like I didn’t post as much as I usually did but here we go!

~Monthly Goals~

April Goals:

  • In free time, do what I want to do (aka, blog if I want or write what I want, don’t do what I feel like I have to do)
  • Drink more water (a constant problem for me)✅❌
  • Write some more
  • Try to get outside more
  • Be more efficient in homework (granted, this is something that I’ve been doing towards the end of March as well)

I do think that I did better in managing my free time with what I want to do. However, I’m a little worried that this will make my blogging quality go down as I spend more time writing but I really hope that it doesn’t come to this! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep blogging as well.
I mean….I drank a little bit more water??? Sorta?
I was able to write a lot of my realistic fiction book! I wasn’t too focused on the fantasy WIP I have this month but for now I’m just putting that aside because I haven’t really been excited to write fantasy at the moment whereas I’ve been really pushing through this realistic fiction, which I don’t usually write at ALL!!! (this is probably my first realistic fiction that is more than 25 pages long so far)
Going on vacation to the woods really does help you get outside a bit more.
Honestly, I have no idea what I meant by ‘be more efficient in homework’ means so I’m just leaving that one blank…if anyone has any ideas whatsoever, you can definitely tell me in the comments.

May goals: (holdup it’s already May next month?)

  • When you have school stuff, do it first!!! Writing/blogging comes afterwards (not saying I don’t do this already but my schedule is about to get a lot busier)
  • Drink more water (please?)
  • Blog a liiiiittle more (be on top of my posts more)
  • Remember to study (the end of the school year is, amazingly, coming right up!)

~Blogging Updates~

Alright, we have a few updates for all of you…first of all, I’ve reached 200 followers! Thank you all so much for following me and loving my work, if you have anything that you think I could do better for my blog, please tell me in the comments!
…okay fine I think that was the only blogging update whoops

~Life Updates~

  • Well, I think we can all guess one thing I’ve been doing…of course Shadow and Bone came out this month so I’m watching that! I haven’t finished it yet, unfortunately, but it’s amazing so far and if you’ve watched some/all of it, I’d love to have a discussion in the comments!
  • Term 3 (out of four) ended at my school so now we’re in the last term already whaaat.
  • It’s April and April means baseball! MLB’s season started on April 1st and since then we’ve had a WHOLE lot of crazy things. I won’t bore you all with a bunch of baseball facts (even though they’re definitely not boring) but it’s been really exciting to see the Dodgers-Padres rival heat up, the A’s crazy win streak and Shohei Ohtani being an amazing two-way player, among other things. If you like baseball, talk to me in the comments I’d love to chat some more games with you!
  • I wrote some more. I know I already said this earlier, but I’m just super happy I was able to write more realistic fiction. It really is my first time trying out realistic fiction for more than a few pages and I’m super excited to keep writing this (but a little scared I’ll run out of things to say…how does someone make a person’s normal life interesting?)
  • It’s softball season! aka Phoenix suddenly plays softball every day of the week because she’s crazy enough to try out for her school team (plus is on another team already)

That’s it for today’s wrap up! How was your April? Have you written anything interesting, and what do you think about baseball? Please chat with me in the comments!
As always, thank you so much for stopping by! Please, stay safe and keep on reading!