April Wrap Up (part one)

Hey, everyone! Sorry you haven’t heard from me lately, I’ve been a little bit busy but you should be hearing from me a bit more in the coming days! (key word ‘should)
I swear, wrap ups are like the only thing I do anymore. In reality, they’re 2/5 of the things I post, but that’s still a lot. Nearly half. But I am but a small child* with only so much time to blog and I also really like my wrap ups. Clearly. Anyways, let’s get into part one of my wrap up, which, just like last month, will be about posts and updates! (part two coming Sunday)
*Relative, but for this case we’ll say I am

~Posts I Enjoyed~

~April Blog posts~

I posted a few times this month, I feel like I didn’t post as much as I usually did but here we go!

~Monthly Goals~

April Goals:

  • In free time, do what I want to do (aka, blog if I want or write what I want, don’t do what I feel like I have to do)
  • Drink more water (a constant problem for me)✅❌
  • Write some more
  • Try to get outside more
  • Be more efficient in homework (granted, this is something that I’ve been doing towards the end of March as well)

I do think that I did better in managing my free time with what I want to do. However, I’m a little worried that this will make my blogging quality go down as I spend more time writing but I really hope that it doesn’t come to this! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep blogging as well.
I mean….I drank a little bit more water??? Sorta?
I was able to write a lot of my realistic fiction book! I wasn’t too focused on the fantasy WIP I have this month but for now I’m just putting that aside because I haven’t really been excited to write fantasy at the moment whereas I’ve been really pushing through this realistic fiction, which I don’t usually write at ALL!!! (this is probably my first realistic fiction that is more than 25 pages long so far)
Going on vacation to the woods really does help you get outside a bit more.
Honestly, I have no idea what I meant by ‘be more efficient in homework’ means so I’m just leaving that one blank…if anyone has any ideas whatsoever, you can definitely tell me in the comments.

May goals: (holdup it’s already May next month?)

  • When you have school stuff, do it first!!! Writing/blogging comes afterwards (not saying I don’t do this already but my schedule is about to get a lot busier)
  • Drink more water (please?)
  • Blog a liiiiittle more (be on top of my posts more)
  • Remember to study (the end of the school year is, amazingly, coming right up!)

~Blogging Updates~

Alright, we have a few updates for all of you…first of all, I’ve reached 200 followers! Thank you all so much for following me and loving my work, if you have anything that you think I could do better for my blog, please tell me in the comments!
…okay fine I think that was the only blogging update whoops

~Life Updates~

  • Well, I think we can all guess one thing I’ve been doing…of course Shadow and Bone came out this month so I’m watching that! I haven’t finished it yet, unfortunately, but it’s amazing so far and if you’ve watched some/all of it, I’d love to have a discussion in the comments!
  • Term 3 (out of four) ended at my school so now we’re in the last term already whaaat.
  • It’s April and April means baseball! MLB’s season started on April 1st and since then we’ve had a WHOLE lot of crazy things. I won’t bore you all with a bunch of baseball facts (even though they’re definitely not boring) but it’s been really exciting to see the Dodgers-Padres rival heat up, the A’s crazy win streak and Shohei Ohtani being an amazing two-way player, among other things. If you like baseball, talk to me in the comments I’d love to chat some more games with you!
  • I wrote some more. I know I already said this earlier, but I’m just super happy I was able to write more realistic fiction. It really is my first time trying out realistic fiction for more than a few pages and I’m super excited to keep writing this (but a little scared I’ll run out of things to say…how does someone make a person’s normal life interesting?)
  • It’s softball season! aka Phoenix suddenly plays softball every day of the week because she’s crazy enough to try out for her school team (plus is on another team already)

That’s it for today’s wrap up! How was your April? Have you written anything interesting, and what do you think about baseball? Please chat with me in the comments!
As always, thank you so much for stopping by! Please, stay safe and keep on reading!