February Monthly Wrap Up (Part 2)

Welcome back to the second part of my monthly wrap up! In case you missed it, I’ve decided to break up my wrap ups into two parts–I published the first part of my wrap up last Sunday and you can find it here. While the first part covered my reading month, here I’m covering everything else–that is, posts I enjoyed, goals for next month and more. I hope you enjoy!

~Posts I enjoyed~

~February Blog Posts~

I posted 4 times in February, including my February wrap up!

~Monthly Goals~

February goals:

  • Spend more time writing
  • Go on more walks
  • Study more for test (I’m so bad at studying…)
  • Follow at least 2 more blogs (I’m always looking for awesome new blogs!)
  • Reach 130 followers

March goals:

  • Study more for tests
  • Go for more walks
  • Read the books that I own (instead of ignoring them and just reading books I get from the library)
  • Reach at least chapter 10 in writing my book

~Blogging updates~

Well, I don’t have many blogging updates for you this month but this is my six-month blogoversary. I know that that’s not as big a deal as one year but I can’t believe that it’s already been six months! I’ve met so many amazing people and learned so much in this time that I just cannot believe it! So thank you all for sticking with my blog and just sending so much love my way.

I also wanted to thank everyone who voted in the polls that I set up in last month’s wrap up in which I asked your opinion on…a number of things! I definitely took your opinions into consideration and while I haven’t been able to post exactly what you guys wanted, I’m definitely trying.

Last but not least, I did my first joint post with April @Booked Till Midnight, in which we discussed retellings! It was a super fun experience and I’m really happy with the way our posts turned out! We posted half the content we discussed on my blog and the other half on hers and you can find my post here and hers here. If you haven’t already seen them, please go check them out!

~Life Updates~

  • I watched Julie and the Phantoms again because apparently I do this every month now. Who knows if I’ll get my rewatching in for March. It’s just so good though!!! (If you’ve watched it, ask me in the comments about my Ghost Queen theory. It’s ridiculous and really just a joke I made up but actually could make sense).
  • I started watching The Flash with my friends. It’s actually pretty good so far, I’m about 15 or so episodes in.
  • I managed to write some more! I’ve now written 2 1/2 chapters of the story that I shared the first few sentences of in my January Wrap-up (find it here). I won’t be sharing any more story with you guys but I think that the book is going pretty well so far!
  • Other than that, well, school is school and books are books and life’s been pretty much meh this month.

What posts did you enjoy from me or someone else? What are some of your goals for the next month? Have you watched Julie and the Phantoms or the Flash? Drop a comment below, I’d love to hear from you!
As always, thank you so much for stopping by. Stay safe and keep on reading!