Celebrating my Third Blogiversary!

When I first began my blog, back during the height of the pandemic in 2020, I don’t think I could have imagined what it would end up like today. Me and my blog have gone through a lot during these three years, and I’m incredibly proud of what it and I have begun today. I wanted to take a moment to think back on everything that this blog has taught me, before I give you the chance to do something on this blog that I’ve never tried before – a Q and A!

I first started my blog as a place to share thoughts about books and connect with a community who loved the same things that I do, during a pandemic that locked me out from most of my social life. I was already pretty active in the goodreads community, and I had a few friends on there who began their own blogs, so I decided to follow suit in the hopes to expand my reading and find a few new friends.

I literally cannot believe what that has expanded into. I’ve found people from around the world who enjoy books as much as I do – people who I can rave or rant about books in comment sections, people who give me book recommendations, and who take recommendations from me. I’ve found a community of people who actually read what I have to say, and my love for books has grown so much because of this.

Fittingly, this post is also the 100th that I have written, so that is also a huge milestone for me! After a very long break where I wondered if I would ever return to blogging, I’m so excited that I’ve actually made it to 100 posts!!!

And so, to thank all of you for bearing with me through the terrible beginning posts, to the long hiatus, to whatever this in-between period is (I can’t promise I’ll keep posting consistently), I’ve decided to do something that I have never done before – a Q and A! Throughout blogging, I’ve kept my actual life fairly hidden, so it’s a little scary to open up and do a Q and A like this. I request that you don’t ask anything that gives away personal information, such as age, location, name, etc. but other than that, feel free to let me know of your questions in the comments and I will do my best to answer them in a later post!

Thanks again to everyone who has stuck with me and my blog through all this. I can’t wait to see what you have to ask me!