4 Awesome, Underhyped Authors

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to write a really simple post, but one that I’m also very excited for. There are a lot of authors out there whose books get insanely hyped up, whose new releases are anticipated by what seems like everyone, and those books are awesome, and absolutely rightfully hyped and anticipated. But there’s also several authors whose books I have loved, but who I really don’t see read around the blogosphere or on goodreads. So, today I wanted to bring some awareness to these authors and their books, since they’re totally awesome and you should definitely read them!

As it turns out, you probably actually have heard of most, if not all, of these authors, simply because I love their books and hype them on my blog a lot. But I still wanted to take the time to write an entire post dedicated to them, because they deserve it and I wanted my time to sing their praises again.
Also, I will only be including authors who have published at least two books (and I have read at least two books by these authors, as well) given that debut novels sometimes are not as hyped as other books just because people don’t know of the author as well. So, these are authors who’ve gone through a debut novel and then another book and I still want to talk about them.

Buttons lead to goodreads pages for each book.

Rosiee Thor

Rosiee Thor’s second book, Fire Becomes Her, just came out on February first. I did see some hype for this book, but definitely not as much as I would have hoped. Rosiee’s first book, Tarnished are the Stars, was published in 2019 and it is a really unique science fiction book. Meanwhile, Fire Becomes Her is a fantasy with amazing worldbuilding. I think that the worldbuilding in Rosiee’s books is really what shines through, with a unique world forming the setting of Tarnished as well. Rosiee’s books also highlight aroace characters and characters on the aroace spectrum, which is always a win for me, and Tarnished are the Stars is actually very important to me because that was the book where I first learned of the terms aromantic and asexual. Not only are their books great, but Rosiee Thor themself is a really great person, who has an awesome personality and is definitely the nicest author who I, myself, have talked to. I wrote a book review of Tarnished are the Stars a very long time ago, and also interviewed Rosiee Thor about it, and you can check out the review here and the interview here, but please keep in mind that this was my very first book review on my blog 🙂 (by which I mean, it might be bad). And look out for another interview with Rosiee coming very soon!

Darcie Little Badger

Darcie Little Badger is a Lipan Apache author with two published books, both of which are magical realism. Darcie’s first book, Elatsoe, was published in 2020, and her second book, A Snake Falls to Earth came the next year in 2021. Both her books center around Lipan Apache main characters, and draw on Lipan Apache legends and stories. Darcie’s writing style is awesome as well! Another thing that was great about Elatsoe and A Snake Falls to Earth is that they’re not super fast books, but in a great way. There’s not a whole lot of action, but they both feel like they’re more an exploration of the world, and of the characters, especially A Snake Falls to Earth. Definitely do not go into these books expecting a fast paced adventure, but just let yourself get pulled along with the story and the characters!
Plus, and I always have to bring this up, the main characters in both Darcie’s books are asexual, as is she, and it’s some great casual ace rep – it’s mentioned on page both times, but it’s never made a big deal of; it’s just there!

Margaret Owen

Margaret Owen may be my favorite fantasy author, which is saying quite a bit. The first thing you have to notice when you read her books is just the worldbuilding. Her Merciful Crow duology as well as her newest book, Little Thieves are both set in fantasy worlds, and they’re honestly just like any other high fantasy worlds, but there’s something about the way that they’re written that’s just so great. And Margaret Owen’s books are just pure high fantasy which is absolutely something that I need every once in a while. There’s a lot of different types of fantasy books and worlds, and so many of them are great, but there’s just something about high fantasy that makes it so awesome to come back to once in a while.
The characters in Margaret’s books are also amazing, and they always end up coming together in the best way. Plus, her plots are sure to keep you hooked with their really unique stories that still manage to follow the high fantasy sort of plot structure feel! If you’re looking for a good fantasy, I would definitely recommend these books, and I will keep on recommending them until you read them (and maybe after, as well).

Justina Ireland

Justina Ireland is an author that I actually have not talked about as much on my blog, and I have no idea why! I’ve very rarely seen her book Dread Nation anywhere in the bookish community and this is a true oversight on all of your parts and I demand you fix it immediately. Dread Nation is a super unique book, set in an alternate timeline where zombies arose from the battlefields in America’s Civil War. I have honestly never read a book like this, and it may sound weird, but I promise you, it’s NOT. Both Dread Nation and it’s sequel kept me super hooked. The books also addressed some of the racial tensions of the time, and both of the main characters are black and queer (aroace rep!!!). dread Nation is NOT the only book that Justina Ireland has written, it’s simply my favorite of hers. She’s written quite a few books, but the only one that I have read other than this duology is her middle grade, Ophie’s Ghosts. I don’t delve into middle grade too much anymore because I’m not at that age range and it can affect my ability to enjoy a book, so while I definitely didn’t enjoy Ophie’s Ghosts as much as I did Dread Nation, it was still very enjoyable for a middle grade book, which really cements my love for Justina Ireland as an author!

Have you read anything by these authors? What are some authors you think are underhyped?

26 thoughts on “4 Awesome, Underhyped Authors

  1. I think my previous comments on your blog are proof of how long I’ve been meaning to read the little thieves, but I swear I’ll get to it someday lol.
    I hadn’t heard of the other three authors before, I’ll definitely be checking out their works too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha i hope that you get to it soon! It’s an awesome book, especially the world building! Are you familiar with the book it’s a retelling of, the goose girl? (I don’t remember if I’ve asked this before)
      Yesss, Rosiee Thor, Darcie Little Badger and Justina Ireland are all great authors as well, I hope that you check them out!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I only heard of Margaret Owen and Darcie Little Badger, but I’ll make sure to check out the others too! There are a lot of good authors out there who really deserve to be hyped. I’m new to your blog and I really enjoyed this post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Have you read any books by Margaret Owen or Darcie Little Badger? There really are so many authors who have awesome books but it feels like they never get hyped! This is making me wonder, why do some authors get hyped so much, even if they’re just debut authors, while some authors can have three or four books published and barely anyone’s heard of them?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t actually, but they’re on my TBR.
        True and I honestly don’t know. I find it a little unfair and I guess a lot of it has to do with social media exposure and good marketing. But I agree that some books get hyped a lot and others are barely mentioned – especially on booktok.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooh, I hope you read them soon! They’re really great books if you enjoy fantasy. Yeah, social media and general marketing are definitely a big part but it also feels like there are so many books that do that and still don’t get the attention they deserve! Like Rosiee Thor’s books I think are like that. I guess it can sometimes rely on luck?


    1. Thank you so much! Yesss, I’m happy to find someone who loves DLB’s books because hardly anyone has read them, it seems! (Then again, she’s gotten quite a few awards, so perhaps it’s just this corner of the blogosphere?) Ooh, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Fire Becomes Her once you read it, it’s a very interesting book!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I actually don’t know much about it at all – I think I just saw it mentioned on a list of books with aro/ace rep (that’s all it takes apparently for me to want to read a book :D)

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